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    4 Ways People Counting is Transforming the Healthcare Industry

    In the healthcare industry, preventing the spread of highly infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, poses ....
    4 Ways People Counting is Transforming the Healthcare Industry

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      4 Ways People Counting is Transforming the Healthcare Industry

      In the healthcare industry, preventing the spread of highly infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, poses ...

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      How Airports Streamline Traffic Flows with People Counting

      Airports are some of the busiest places in the world, with thousands of passengers passing through each day. ...

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      How Occupancy Management Helps Smart Buildings Save Money

      9 May 2023

      How Occupancy Management Helps Smart Buildings Save Money

      Smart buildings are becoming increasingly popular, and the use of accurate people counting and occupancy ...

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      How People Counting Helps Libraries

      As we live in an age where vast amounts of information are available electronically, libraries are facing new ...

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      People Counting & GDPR: Your Privacy Counts Too

      9 May 2023

      People Counting & GDPR: Your Privacy Counts Too

      The digital economy relies heavily on data regarding people’s behavior and actions, which companies use to ...

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      What is Footfall Counting & How Can It Be Used?

      In today's highly competitive business landscape, agility and efficiency are essential for maintaining a ...

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      What is Queue Management?

      Nobody has ever said "I love standing in queues." That is why queue management technology exists. A long, ...

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