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    Our Building Insights & Occupancy Management Solution

    VemSpace brings you even more comprehensive insight into your building’s environment and how it's being used in real-time.


    What Makes VemSpace Special  

    • Desk & Counter Presence 

    • Facility Management

    • Air Quality, Humidity & Co2

    • Temperature Control

    • Occupancy Management

    • Fitting Room Detection


    With real-time detection of individuals at desks and counters, you can better understand how your space is being used and make data-driven decisions to maximize efficiency and productivity.


    Take control of your facility with VemSpace. With this powerful tool, you can monitor everything from restroom maintenance to lighting, ensuring that your space is running efficiently and cost-effectively.


    Monitor the air quality, humidity, and CO2 levels in your space to prevent health hazards and improve air circulation. Prioritize the well-being of your employees and customers and provide a top-notch experience.


    With remote access to your HVAC system, you can control temperature and save on energy costs. Provide a comfortable environment for your employees and customers, while reducing your environmental footprint.


    This feature uses IoT sensors to count the number of people in a room in real-time, helping businesses manage their space utilization, comply with occupancy limits, and respond to changes early on.

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    Detect when a customer enters a fitting room to help you provide personalized customer service and optimize store layout, through this valuable insight into room usage.

    The future lies in occupancy…   

    … and you can join the journey with smart, detailed, and automatic data.

    Occupancy Facility Indoor Climate

    Indoor Climate Control

    Create an ideal indoor climate for improved visitor experiences. Understand how noise, temperature, and lighting affect sales or productivity. 


    A Solution to Every Problem

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is VemSpaces' purpose?  

    VemSpace is an occupancy management and building insight solution that provides real-time data on how spaces are used. By collecting and analyzing data on occupancy levels, visitor trends, climate control, meeting room usage, and more, VemSpace enables businesses to optimize their spaces, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall workplace experience. Whether you're looking to maximize space utilization, increase energy efficiency, or improve facility management, VemSpace helps you make data-driven decisions that lead to smarter, more efficient buildings.

    What are VemSpaces' key features?  

    • Desk & Counter Presence: VemSpace can detect the presence of individuals at desks or counters, enabling businesses to optimize their space utilization.
    • Facility Management: VemSpace provides monitoring for various aspects of the facility, such as lighting and restroom maintenance, allowing businesses to reduce resource costs and gain insights into energy usage.
    • Air Quality, Humidity & Co2: VemSpace monitors air quality, humidity, and CO2 levels, ensuring a healthy and comfortable environment for employees and customers.
    • Room Occupancy: VemSpace detects the number of people in a room, allowing businesses to manage space utilization and comply with occupancy limits.
    • Fitting Room Detection: VemSpace can detect when a customer enters a fitting room, providing businesses with an opportunity to provide personalized customer service and optimize their store layout.
    • Ghost Meeting Detection: Detect and eliminate ghost meetings to free up valuable space and improve resource utilization. With proactive detection, you can identify scheduled but unattended meetings, reclaim unused areas, and enhance overall scheduling efficiency.

    What is IoT technology?

    IoT (Internet of Things) technology refers to the interconnection of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data. IoT technology enables these devices to communicate with each other and with cloud-based systems, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of various processes and systems. The data generated by IoT devices can be analyzed to provide insights into how these systems operate, enabling businesses and organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations.

    What is the difference between VemSpace and VemCount? 

    While VemCount is our main product for standard people counting, VemSpace is an additional purchase for businesses wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the usage and environment of their entire building.

    How can I get in touch with customer support if I have any questions or issues?  

    You can reach out at any time if you need assistance in any way. Visit our contact page to find the local email or phone number for your region.