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    How People Counting Helps Libraries

    How People Counting Helps Libraries

    As we live in an age where vast amounts of information are available electronically, libraries are facing new challenges. They must struggle to meet current needs while planning for future expectations in a digital age that is constantly evolving.

    One of the tools they use to navigate this terrain is people counting, which helps them accurately determine the traffic they receive. This data is used not only to justify grants and public funding but also to understand how their collections, services, and spaces are being used.

    In the past, libraries relied on collecting data related to their collection size, budget, and number of staff to improve on previous year's statistics. However, the current trend is to collect data on visitor behavior using people counters.

    This allows libraries to collect information that goes beyond just the number of visitors that enter the building. They can determine how libraries are being utilized, which services and facilities are working, and which are not. The data also reveals how much certain floors or areas of a library are used, providing valuable information that allows library personnel to make data-driven decisions.

    3 main reasons why libraries use people counting:

    1. It helps them justify grants and public funding by demonstrating the demand for their services.
    2. It helps reduce costs by optimizing operating hours, scheduling staff during the busiest periods, and minimizing resource wastage with automated lighting systems.
    3. It allows them to improve visitor experience by providing insights into dwell time, queue length, and traffic patterns. With this information, libraries can enhance their visitors' experience by identifying popular areas and amenities, measuring queue lengths and waiting times, and optimizing the layout of the library.

    The Best People Counting Solution for Libraries

    In conclusion, people counting and data analytics are essential tools for libraries in the digital age. By gathering and analyzing data, libraries can better understand their communities' needs and improve their services and operations to meet those needs.

    Vemco Group is a provider of modern people counting solutions that can help libraries meet their data collection needs. With access to our powerful dashboards that display key performance indicators and critical data in real-time, libraries can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and provide customer experiences that keep patrons coming back.

    If you are ready to turn your library into a future-proof, funding-friendly hub for the community, get in touch with us to customize a solution that works for you.

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