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    Top line sales increase: %

    All currency is in USD

    Estimated gross profit from better customer experience & conversion rate improvement:

    1 Store Monthly 1 Store Annually Stores Annually
    Estimated additional revenue from % conversion rate increase: $ $ $
    Estimated COGS related to additional revenue: $ $ $
    Estimated additional Gross Profit: $ $ $

    Estimated traffic management system costs:

    One Time Monthly Subscription per counting device Stores Monthly Subscription Stores, year 1 total Stores, 5 yr. total
    Counting sensors & Installation per device: $1,100 $ $
    Data Analytics platform: $35 $ $ $
    Estimated traffic management costs: $ $ $

    Estimated return on investment:

    Increase in Gross Profit Expense $ Return ROI
    1-year $ $ $ %
    5-years $ $ $ %
    Annual after 1st 5 years $ $ $ %

    Months to ROI:

    Total estimated economic benefits from partnering with our solution: 1 year, stores:
    Total estimated economic benefits from partnering with our solution: 5 year, stores: