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    Swedish SmartaSaker Boosts Conversion Rates with Data-Driven Insight

    Swedish SmartaSaker Boosts Conversion Rates with Data-Driven Insight

    SmartaSaker is a Swedish company based in Stockholm, renowned for offering a unique selection of innovative and practical gadgets that make everyday life easier. Since its inception, the company has prided itself on creativity, with a focus on clever solutions that solve everyday problems. Their flagship store in Stockholm is a hub for gadget enthusiasts, but like many retail businesses, SmartaSaker wanted to improve the way they understand customer behavior and optimize their in-store performance.

    To achieve this, SmartaSaker partnered with Vemco Group to leverage people counting technology and integrate it with their existing POS system from Sitoo. This provided them with real-time insights into store traffic, customer behavior, and conversion rates, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that enhance both the customer experience and store efficiency.

    The collaboration between SmartaSaker and Vemco Group was focused on empowering the store with actionable insights through a comprehensive data analytics platform. Vemco Group installed people counters in the Stockholm store, tracking footfall and integrating the data with sales figures from their POS system, Sitoo. This integration provided SmartaSaker with real-time visibility into conversion rates, offering a clear picture of how in-store traffic translates into sales.

    With access to daily, weekly, and monthly reports on visitor numbers and conversion rates, SmartaSaker could monitor store performance more closely than ever before. This data enabled them to make informed decisions about marketing, opening hours, and store layout, ultimately enhancing the overall efficiency of their operations.


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    Alice Jansson

    Alice Jansson

    Store Manager


    We contacted Vemco Group because we felt that it looked simple, it seemed to fit our needs, and it simply felt like a reliable solution. Our biggest challenge was that we had no idea what our conversion rate looked like. We used to rely on our gut feeling, and that's not a very data-driven approach. Additionally, we couldn’t figure out why certain things stood out in sales, why we had fewer visitors at certain times, and so on. Now we can see it very easily.


    SmartaSaker faced several challenges common in the retail sector including:

    1. Limited Insight into Customer Behavior: Without accurate footfall data, it was difficult for SmartaSaker to understand the relationship between store traffic and sales, making it challenging to optimize their business strategy.

    2. Unclear Conversion Metrics: SmartaSaker lacked real-time access to conversion rates, meaning they couldn’t gauge how well their in-store experience was turning visitors into paying customers.

    Vemco Group installed accurate people counters at strategic entry points in the store to monitor the flow of customers. This gave SmartaSaker visibility into the total number of visitors on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

    By partnering with Vemco Group and integrating their people counting solution with the Sitoo POS system, SmartaSaker has successfully transformed its approach to retail management. The ability to access real-time data on conversion rates and store traffic has empowered the company to make data-driven decisions that improve store performance, optimize opening hours, and enhance the overall customer experience.

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