How to add users

Learn how to create and manage user accounts and roles in Vemcount.

Admin users have the ability to create and manage multiple user accounts and roles in Vemcount. 

It is best practice to assign a role when creating a user account. This is because a role can be applied to multiple use accounts to determine the same level of user account permissions. 

Account permissions can also be applied individually to each user account.

There is no limit to the number of users or roles that can be created.

Listed below are a number of steps required to create a user account successfully.

  1. Login to Vemcount using Admin credentials.
  2. Select Setup | Users in the top menu.
  3. Select '+' icon to create a user.
  4. Complete the User details section including:
    1. Base Company
    2. Username
      1. Best practice is to user the email address
    3. Email
    4. Full Name
    5. Timezone
      1. Make sure this is correct from a reporting perspective.
    6. Language
  5. Add the appropriate permissions.  If the same permissions are to be added to multiple user accounts then it is best practice to set user permissions using user roles which is explained in this article further.
  6. Select 'Save & return'.