How to create roles

A Role determines the levels of permissions (access rights) for each user account. Several roles can be created, however for most organisations, an 'Admin' and 'Reporting' user role is sufficient. See table below on role examples.

User Role



Access rights to all Vemcount modules including:
Manage user accounts.
Create and share master dashboard and reports.
Reset real-time occupancy.


View master dashboards shared from Admin account and create dashboards and reports

Read only

View dashboards only. 


  1. Login to Vemcount using Admin credentials.
  2. Select Setup | Companies in the top menu.
  3. Select Company to create the role for.
  4. Select Roles in left side menu.
  5. Select '+' icon to create a role.
  6. Name the role, select the users to be included, and assign the access rights/permissions. An explanation of each permission can be viewed here.
  7. Select 'Save'.