Set / Reset user passwords (Admin only)

Admin users have the capability of sending login details emails to users from the Vemcount reporting system

Emails sent are only valid for 3 working days. If a new password is not secured within 3 days from the date the email is sent, the link will expire and a new welcome email will need to be sent.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Vemcount using Admin credentials.
  2. Select Setup | Users from the top menu.
  3. Enter the username or user details in the search bar to find the relevant user.
  4. Select the drop down arrow beside the username of the user account.
  5. Select 'send welcome email'.
  6. Select 'send welcome email' button.

Once the above steps are actioned, a 'Login Details' email will be sent to the email address associated with the user account containing a 'set your password' link. See example below. The user has 3 working days to secure a new password. After 3 days the link will expire.