How to login using Single Sign-On

With SSO, users can simply access Vemcount on corporate devices without having to remember and enter their Vemcount login credentials.

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that allows users to sign in to Vemcount using their Microsoft work account credentials. With SSO, users can access Vemcount without having to remember and enter their Vemcount login credentials.

For SSO to work, a Microsoft Azure account must be set up and logged in on the corporate device being used to access Vemcount. 


To login to Vemcount reporting system using SSO [First Time]:

  1. Open a web browser on your device (Google Chrome is preferred)
  2. Go to the login page
  3. Select the 'Sign in with Microsoft' option below the blue sign in button

    [image of single sign-on page]

  4. If an option appears to select an account then choose the appropriate Microsoft account to login to Vemcount with. A Microsoft Permission Request will then be displayed. Click consent to continue.

[image of permissions requested window]

  1. You should now be logged in to your Vemcount account.

To login to Vemcount in the future just select the 'Sign in with Microsoft' option.

[callout] If you do not have an existing Microsoft Azure account set-up or are unsure, please contact the nominated IT Support/Administrator within your organisation. Furthermore, if you are experiencing difficulty with SSO, please contact Vemcount  here [link]